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Didomi Blog

Worried that your business is not data compliant? Interested in keeping up to date with worldwide changes in data legislation? Looking to respect data ethics whilst optimizing marketing monetization? The Didomi blog has the answers for you.

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  • Didomi Solutions

Didomi for Google Tag Manager
  • Didomi Solutions

Didomi for Google Tag Manager: Data driven business while protecting the privacy of your end-users

September 24, 2021 by Amy Arnell

  • Country guides

  • Country guides

The Italian Garante is cracking down on non-compliant websites: 3 recent sanctions for illegal data processing

September 15, 2021 by Chiara Saullo

  • Privacy guides

  • Yes We Trust

  • Privacy guides

  • Yes We Trust

How far should tracking technology go? Utopia vs dystopia in Black Mirror’s “Arkangel”

September 1, 2021 by Amy Arnell

  • Privacy guides

  • Privacy guides

Privacy: A box-ticking exercise or a board-level priority? A discussion with Ben Rapp, Founder of Securys

August 30, 2021 by Romain Gauthier

  • Didomi Solutions

  • Privacy guides

Batch Export, Webhooks, Consent API - the three Didomi integrations
  • Didomi Solutions

  • Privacy guides

The 3 Didomi integrations: Which data transfer method would work best for you?

August 18, 2021 by Amy Arnell

  • Privacy guides

  • Privacy guides

Privacy transparency is an opportunity, not a burden: Here’s why

August 13, 2021 by Chiara Saullo

  • Country guides

The Italian Garante’s new cookie Guidelines: the downfall of legitimate interest and the rise of consent
  • Country guides

The Italian Garante’s new cookie Guidelines: the downfall of legitimate interest and the rise of consent

August 12, 2021 by Chiara Saullo

  • Privacy guides

  • Yes We Trust

  • Privacy guides

  • Yes We Trust

How can lengthy, complicated compliance interfaces be made trustworthy?

July 27, 2021 by Amy Arnell

  • Country guides

Didomi - How to comply with the Italian Garante's privacy guidelines on cookies
  • Country guides

How to comply with the Italian Garante's privacy guidelines on cookies

July 26, 2021 by Grazia Torello

  • Privacy guides

  • Privacy guides

Server-side tracking vs client-side tracking: What are the trade-offs when collecting data?

July 22, 2021 by Stefan Santer

  • Didomi Solutions

The Didomi Batch Export feature: Redefining the meaning of data synchronization
  • Didomi Solutions

The Didomi Batch Export feature: Redefining the meaning of data synchronization

July 20, 2021 by Amy Arnell

  • Newsroom

  • Newsroom

Didomi raises USD 40M to become a leader in Europe and expand into the US

July 9, 2021 by Amy Arnell

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